How Bioheat® Heating Oil Accelerates Decarbonization Of U.S. Energy

image of a carbon emissions scale depicting decarbonization

Since the Paris Agreement first came into the picture in 2015, the world began working diligently to lower greenhouse gas emissions. At the time, 192 countries and the European Union committed to substantially lower greenhouse gas emissions across the globe. The goal is to limit the increase of global temperatures to 2°C, with an even further goal of limiting it to 1.5°C.

This agreement also created a framework for the world to work with. Ultimately, the agreement creates a shift in the way the world operates. The biggest change is to achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2050.

One important shift toward the 2050 goal is the decarbonization of US Energy. What does this mean? How can it be achieved? Is there a simple solution? Find out the answers to these questions and more below.

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What Is Decarbonization?

Decarbonization is intentionally reducing carbon dioxide emissions. It happens by using power sources that have low carbon outputs. This in turn leads to lower greenhouse gas output by minimizing the amount of it sent into the atmosphere.

Another way of putting it is that decarbonization is a term that specifically refers to limiting the carbon intensity released into the atmosphere. This happens by burning fewer fossil fuels to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases.

From a general standpoint, the main goal of decarbonization is to decrease the amount of CO2 output per unit when generating electricity. The best way to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is to change how we generate power and transportation on a global scale.

These changes are essential to the ultimate goal of the Paris Agreement. Without doing things differently, the world will find it nearly impossible to lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the amount of CO2 in the air.


Why Is Decarbonization Important?

The Paris Agreement has made decarbonization a huge priority. Ultimately, 192 countries and the European Union made a commitment to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

This change is important because we are currently facing a climate emergency. The Committee on Climate Change believes that it’s not only possible to reach net-zero carbon emissions, but it’s also a cost-effective and necessary measure.

Improving energy efficiency will lead to lowering global temperatures and improved air quality, which will minimize the negative effects of climate change.

There are certain truths to what the Committee on Climate Change believes. But they aren’t necessarily attempting to make changes with the best interests of homeowners in mind, at least from a financial standpoint.

In the case of using fossil fuels used to heat a home, they seem entirely too focused on electrification. They fail to realize that a blend of heating oil and soy are known as Bioheat® heating oil. This blend can immediately reduce carbon emissions in every home using this biofuel by roughly 15%.

They won’t have to wait until the year 2050 to begin reducing their carbon emissions. These homeowners can reduce their carbon emissions immediately as soon as they make the switch.

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How Does It Work?

The decarbonization process works by increasing the use of low-carbon fuels to generate energy while reducing the number of fossil fuels in use until fossil fuels are no longer used at all for energy production.

In particular, the decarbonization process requires the use of renewable energy sources like biofuels, biomass, solar power, and wind energy.

In the end, they attempt to limit the amount of carbon being used in vehicles by promoting the wide-scale use of electric vehicles and other cleaner fuel-burning technologies. This will limit the carbon intensity in the transportation sector as it works toward reaching net-zero carbon emissions, which is the final target and goal.

The Decarbonization Timeline

reduce carbon emission by 2050 with renewable energy

As of 2022, over 150 different governments have created and submitted their plans to reduce carbon emissions. These plans require a carbon emission reduction to be achieved by the year 2030.

By 2040, the plan is to completely eliminate and ban the use of diesel fuels. In turn, this will also ban the use of diesel vehicles according to the pledge made in Paris in 2015.

Right now, there is a massive push toward creating electric hybrid vehicles and fully electric vehicles. They are developing new buses, trucks, and cars as well. This will help the governments involved in this agreement to lower their CO2 emissions and cut down on greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

As mentioned a number of times, the ultimate goal is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. It’s definitely possible if we continue working hard to reach this goal on a global scale.

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Bioheat® Heating Oil: How It Accelerates Decarbonization Of US Energy

Shifting gears, it’s time to take a closer look at Bioheat® fuel. This fuel is available right now, which is one of its best features. It’s also safer for the environment, cleaner, and better in every way.

What is Bioheat® home heating oil made of? It’s made of renewable sources including biodiesel and ultra-low sulfur heating fuel. It can be used to heat homes with the fuel systems that are already in place, so homeowners will not have to spend any additional money to start using this carbon emissions-cutting home heating fuel.

As of now, we are currently on the precipice of eliminating 14.6% of CO2 emissions using 20% biodiesel better known as B20.

By 2030, the goal is to have a usable version of 50% biodiesel, known as B50. This version of home heating fuel will eliminate 500 million gallons of heating oil and reduce carbon emissions by 4.29 million metric tons.

The year 2050 is when things get very interesting for Bioheat® fuel. At this point, a usable version of 100% biodiesel will be in existence. It’s easy to guess that we’ll call it B100 and this incredible home heating fuel will eliminate the need for 1 billion gallons of heating oil and reduce carbon emissions by 8.59 million metric tons.

It’s clear to see that the creators of Bioheat® heating oil have an effective plan in place to accelerate the decarbonization of US Energy. They are already ahead of the game because 20% biodiesel is already in use, even though it is slated for an even bigger rollout by 2023.

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Will the creators of Bioheat® heating oil achieve their dreams of decarbonization of US energy? Only time will tell. But they are on track to not only meet their goals but surpass them by a wide margin.

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Crush Carbon Dioxide Emissions Immediately With Bioheat® Heating Oil

Homeowners are always ready to do their part to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and reduce their role in the negative effects of climate change. For those looking to get on board immediately, it’s possible to make sweeping changes by switching your home heating fuel to Bioheat® heating oil.

This green solution not only lowers greenhouse gas emissions, but it helps homeowners reduce their carbon output by nearly 15%. And these percentages will continue to grow as the industry advances and creates cleaner and more effective biodiesel fuels.

To begin working on climate change and reducing carbon intensity right now, it’s best to switch over to Bioheat® heating oil. Reach out to Wilcox Energy right now to get started. As long as more homeowners keep making this change, the damage from greenhouse gas emissions will begin dissipating until they become a thing of the past. Call Wilcox Energy now to schedule a Bioheat® heating oil delivery.

Click Here To Learn More About Bioheat® Fuel Call Now: (860) 399-6218

For more information about our Bioheat® heating oil deliveries or our HVAC services, be sure to contact Wilcox Energy. You can click here to contact us, or you can call us at (860) 399-6218 to find out more. We offer a full line of home comfort services, all customizable to meet your needs. Call now!


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