Why Do Carbon Emissions Matter?

image of hands and earth depicting carbon emissions

Carbon emissions are the release of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere as a result of respiration, fuel combustion, and industrial processes. This gas is important since it helps to trap heat on the earth’s surface, creating a conducive environment for humans and other living organisms to thrive.

However, while carbon dioxide is necessary, emissions in high quantities can cause the trapping of excess heat, leading to an overall rise in temperatures, also known as global warming.

In this article, we are going to discuss:

  • Why excessive carbon emissions are a concern
  • The impact that carbon emissions have on our environment
  • How our Bioheat® heating oil helps reduce emissions
  • And more!
Explore Our Bioheat® Heating Oil Delivery Services Click Here To Call & Order Bioheat® Fuel Today

Why Carbon Emissions Are A Concern

image of the word why depicting the question why are carbon emissions bad

Although carbon emission is a normal and necessary process, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1 and other environmental conservation bodies set and monitor the carbon budget ( emissions budget) every year. This is because carbon emissions exceeding the set limit can cause global warming, which, in turn, affects the global climate.

To keep the carbon levels in check, the federal government continuously creates awareness on the effects of these emissions and encourages the adoption of habits such as:

  • Planting trees
  • Using eco-friendly means of transport such as biking and walking
  • Embracing renewable energy
  • Creating an energy-efficient home
  • Recycling

In 2020, carbon emission in the United States was reduced by about 7%, according to the US Carbon Cycle Science Program2 . This reduction in emissions is largely due to the reduction of travel as a result of travel restrictions put in place because of COVID-19. Consequently, it is reasonable to expect the US emissions levels to increase as the economy and travel get back to pre-COVID activity levels.

Call To Order Bioheat® Fuel: (860) 399-6218

Impact Of Carbon Emissions

The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has more disadvantages than benefits. As such, you should minimize emissions by adopting eco-friendly habits. That said, excessive carbon emissions can cause the following, among other effects:

Extreme Weather

image of polar bear depicting global warming

Global warming that results from excessive emission of carbon dioxide can cause extreme changes in weather. More specifically, too much heat on the earth’s surface causes the rate of evaporation to increase, and this leads to high amounts of rainfall in wet places. Similarly, the same effect in dry areas can lead to drought as the only available moisture evaporates. In general, floods, drought, and storms worsen in the event of global warming, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)3.

Respiratory Diseases

While carbon dioxide alone may not be so harmful to the respiratory system, the environmental pollution that comes with it can aggravate conditions such as asthma. This is due to the resulting high temperatures that cause the ground-level ozone to increase, eventually leading to inflammation of the lungs and damage of the lung tissues.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)4, ground-level ozone is most harmful to people with respiratory diseases such as asthma, and it results from chemical reactions and industrial emissions. Carbon emissions may also cause the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to rise as it displaces oxygen, leading to headaches and fatigue.

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Food Supply Disruptions

In the case of global warming, the agricultural sector is among the most affected in the world. In fact, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change points out that climate change is the leading cause of hunger all over the world.

More precisely, the rise in temperatures affects crop and livestock yields, and this, in turn, causes a massive disruption in the supply of food and other agricultural products. The carbon emissions also alter the nutritional value of the harvested food, leading to poor overall health in society.

Increased Wildfires

image of forest fire due to climate change

Data from the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) shows that wildfires have become rampant in the U.S. To give you an idea, in January and February 2021 alone, there have been more than 2,900 fires in the U.S.

While most of the fires result from human activities such as arson and accidents, high temperatures on the earth’s surface play a great role in the fast-spreading of the fires. More specifically, dry conditions from the greenhouse effect make it difficult for firefighters to put out wildfires once they start.

Use Of Bioheat® Heating Oil To Reduce Carbon Emissions

bioheat - the future of fuel


Bioheat® fuel is a liquid renewable fuel made from the processing of plant and animal fats and oils to form biodiesel, which is then blended with ultra-low sulfur heating oil (ULSHO). The ultra-low amounts of sulfur significantly lower the toxicity in the biofuel heating oil, making it safe for domestic use.

Considering its source, Bioheat® heating oil is renewable, sustainable, and eco-friendly. Furthermore, the low amounts of carbon in bioheat make it a perfect option of fuel if you want to minimize carbon emissions in the atmosphere.

It is a safe and eco-friendly heating option for your home.

Additionally, Bioheat® fuel is compatible with your current heating equipment! So the good news is that you can immediately begin reducing your carbon footprint without any added costs. By using Bioheat® heating oil for your home heating needs, you are proactively helping the planet.

The environment is very important to Wilcox Energy. For this reason, we have been delivering our Bioheat® fuel, a 20% biodiesel blend since 2016. This was long before the Providence Resolution took place, which set a goal of achieving 100% liquid renewable fuel by the year 2050.

Since 2016, we have been able to remove 3,511,500 of pounds of carbon from the environment!

Call To Order Bioheat® Heating Oil: (860) 399-6218


What Is The Future Of Our Bio Fuel Solution?

Today, we deliver a 20% blend of Bioheat® fuel mixed with traditional heating oil. In order to achieve more eco-friendly solutions, we are making strides in our goal to start delivering a 50% blend (b50) in the near future!

As an industry, a goal was set for all heating oil dealers to deliver a b50 blend of bio products by the year 2030. At Wilcox Energy, our goal is to beat the industry standard!

At b50 levels, our Bioheat® heating oil product will emit LESS carbon than either natural gas or electricity for home heating systems.5


Why Use Wilcox Energy’s Bioheat® Heating Oil For Your Heating Needs?

Wilcox Energy is providing homeowners in the southern Connecticut shoreline with a greener and cleaner solution in the form of Bioheat® fuel. This is ultra-low sulfur and low carbon heating oil that is blended with 100% biodiesel.

Bioheat® heating oil helps lower your carbon footprint and doesn’t require costly furnace modifications. Homeowners can use their existing equipment while making the switch to cleaner fuel.

Call Wilcox Energy today to learn more about Bioheat® fuel and join us in reducing carbon emissions today!

Click Here To Learn More About Bioheat® Fuel Call Now: (860) 399-6218

For more information about our Bioheat® heating oil deliveries or our HVAC services, be sure to contact Wilcox Energy. You can click here to contact us, or you can call us at (860) 399-6218 to find out more. We offer a full line of home comfort services, all customizable to meet your needs. Call now!

1. EPA: Emissions Monitoring, Reporting and Verification
2. U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program: New: Global Carbon Budget 2020 released
3. NRDC: Improve Climate Change Preparedness
4. AFFA: What’s More Important Than the Air We Breathe?
5. Project Carbon Freedom

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