6 Ways You’re Overworking Your Furnace


image of person adjusting thermostat to turn on furnace

Furnaces are designed to be tough and last long. However, these tough systems do wear down due to abuse, overuse, and neglect. The last thing you would want during the cold winter months is to live in a house without a reliable and working heating system. Although furnaces are robustly designed and meant to last for many years, they can wear down prematurely if not properly used. With continuous misuse, they will reach a point of breaking down. As this happens, your furnace efficiency goes down, your energy bill rises, and HVAC repairs increase. For this reason, it is important to know how to take good care of your furnace. This way, you will be able to heat your home without any extra cost or strain.

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How You Are Overworking Your Furnace

When signs and symptoms of furnace problems start showing, many people ignore them until it becomes more serious. In some cases, it is the homeowners themselves who unknowingly contribute to the problems. In this article, we will be discussing six ways that homeowners contribute to the failure of their heating systems.

Not Turning Your Thermostat Down When You Leave

Some homeowners keep their thermostats at the same temperature even when no one is at home to enjoy the comfortable indoor temperature. You do not have to do this. What this does is it forces your system to work more. It also escalates your energy costs since the furnace consumes more fuel.
Instead, install a programmable thermostat in your home. This will ensure your furnace is not overworked and also helps reduce energy costs. With this type of thermostat, you can set the preferred temperatures when you are home and a lower temperature when nobody is around. However, if you do not have a programmable thermostat, then don’t worry. You can simply reduce the temperature levels of your thermostat manually before leaving the house. Also, always keep the temperature at the recommended settings when you are at home.


Letting Cold Air In The House

Leaving your windows and doors open, even a crack, allows cold air to flow into the house. You will know you have left a window or door open when you start feeling a cold draft in the room. Always check and confirm that you have closed and locked them to avoid cold air flowing into your home.
Learning how to find air drafts is also a good idea. The most common areas where air drafts originate from are holes, gaps, and cracks around windows and doors. When you locate these sources have them fixed immediately. Make sure that your home has adequate insulation.

Cranking The Thermostat When You’re Cold

It isn’t necessary to crank up the thermostat to warm your home quickly when you are cold. The first thing you need to do is to check if the thermostat is already set at its ideal temperature. If not, simply set it to its ideal temperature but not higher than that. Setting a temperature that is higher than the ideal one will not make you feel warmer faster. Instead, it will only overwork your furnace and cause it to consume more energy.

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Blocking HVAC Air Vents

Some people block air return vents with curtains, furniture, or other objects. They do this for different reasons, sometimes in the interest of style, indoor design, or function. They do this not considering the locations of vents. Putting these items in front of the heat vent blocks airflow. If vents are obstructed, the furnace won’t be able to distribute warm air evenly around the house. Some people put their beds over vents so that their sheets might be kept warm and toasty. Even though it is possible that this technique works, proper flow of warm air will also be interrupted.


Skipping Annual Furnace Maintenance

You must have your furnace checked and maintained regularly. Scheduling regular inspections is important because it will help identify potential problems early enough and have them fixed right away by your local HVAC contractor. It helps in ensuring that your system operates efficiently and also reduces energy costs.
On top of that, if you do not change your furnace filter regularly, this could lead to problems as a dirty filter can overwork your furnace. Create a habit of checking your filter on a monthly basis to make sure it is clean and in good working order.


Opting For The Cheapest Furnace Replacement

Furnaces become less efficient as they continue to age. They will eventually wear out as time goes by. You will need a furnace replacement sooner or later.
A newer furnace will do you a lot of good. For starters, modern untis are more energy-efficient than their predecessors. You will witness a whole lot of difference in terms of the comfort of your home, indoor air quality, and energy costs. When looking for a furnace replacement, avoid the cheapest available option. Please remember that your heating system is an investment and you will be affected by its performance for many years.

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3 Signs Your Heating System Is Overworked

Increased Home Heating Costs

In wintertime, expect your utility bills to spike. However, there might be a problem with your furnace if the increase seems unusual. There are a number of factors that can cause this. As mentioned above, conduct checks of your air filters, If worn out, replace them. If you do not notice any issue with your filter, contact an HVAC contractor to inspect your heating system to find the cause for escalating energy costs.

image of woman paying her energy bill and home heating costs

Uneven Temperature

If you notice cold and hot spots throughout your home, then your unit may not be able to maintain the ideal temperature, meaning that it is not running properly. The reason could be that the system is overworked and unable to fulfill your heating needs. Contact an HVAC contractor so they can inspect your furnace and offer a diagnosis.

Frequent Furnace Repairs

One of the signs that your furnace is overworked is frequent and multiple repairs. An overworked furnace will most likely wear out prematurely. Such a system will need early replacement eventually.

Call Wilcox Energy For All Of Your Home Heating Needs

It is important to understand how your HVAC system works and what you need to do to maintain its efficiency. If you notice that your system is not performing as expected, be sure to contact a reputable HVAC contractor in your area. They can determine the best home heating solutions to meet your needs and budget.

Contact us Wilcox Energy today to learn more about how to keep your furnace in top shape. We offer the are’a leading home heating and cooling services. Our NATE certified technicians offer HVAC services that are fast, affordable, and highly knowledgeable. We stand by the work that we perform for you by offering a guarantee. This way, we can ensure your satisfaction. Be sure to give Wilcox Energy a call today to schedule a free, in-home estimate.

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For more information about our HVAC services, be sure to contact Wilcox Energy. You can click here to contact us, or you can call us at (860) 399-6218 to find out more. We offer a full line of heating and cooling repairs, maintenance services, and installations.



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