In loving Memory of Dick Wilcox

On September 24, 2016, Henry R. (Dick) Wilcox passed away.  Dick, along with his brother Don, founded Wilcox Fuel Co. in 1955.  Together they built the foundation of what is today known as Wilcox Energy.  Dick retired at the age of 55 when he and his brother sold the business to current owners David Foster and John McCall.

Dick newsarticlewas a pillar of the community and he devoted his time to numerous community and service organizations, including a tenure as Chief of the Westbrook Volunteer Fire Company.  He was also very active in his church, The Congregational Church on the green in Westbrook, and he will most certainly be very missed by the many people who knew him.

Ask anyone who knew Dick to tell you a story about him, and you will most certainly see a smile come their face.  As an employer he was very devoted to his staff and everyone that worked for him.  He was full of laughter, and friendly cheery, and took a personal interest in everyone he knew.  He took the time to know his customers, and most certainly befriended many over the years.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to all of Dick’s family, especially his wife, Shirley, his daughters Leslie and Nancy, and his brother, Don.  We will miss you, Dick.  May you rest in peace.

A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00PM on Sunday October 23, 2016 at the Westbrook Congregational Church, 1166 Boston Post Road, in Westbrook, Connecticut In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to either Westbrook Congregational Church, 1166 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT 06498 or to Westbrook Volunteer Fire Dept. 18 S. Main St., Westbrook, CT 06498.

Read Henry R. Wilcox’s obituary here.




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