In loving Memory of Dick Wilcox

On September 24, 2016, Henry R. (Dick) Wilcox passed away.  Dick, along with his brother Don, founded Wilcox Fuel Co. in 1955.  Together they built the foundation of what is today known as Wilcox Energy.  Dick retired at the age of 55 when he and his brother sold the business to current owners David Foster…

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Rewarding your Loyalty with Loyalty Points

Wilcox Energy doesn’t believe in taking advantage of customers or their loyalty. In fact, we REWARD loyalty, we don’t penalize it. All of us at Wilcox Energy strive to treat all of our customers fairly because our goal is to build a long lasting relationship based on trust. We continue to evolve so we can…

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Comfort. Defined.

When you think of “comfort” what image comes to mind? I posed this question of my Facebook friends.  I didn’t tell them why, I just said  I was working on a project for work.  I received a lot of responses.  Some the same, but many were different.  When I think of comfort, I picture sitting…

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Say “NO” to proposed CT state tax on oil, propane, & kerosene

Wilcox Energy, president, David Foster, is headed to Hartford to fight for your rights! Add your voice today and be heard! We at Wilcox Energy are always fighting for the rights of our oilheat and propane customers.  We are at it again as we fight the latest proposed tax. We sent the following email out…

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Gulf Electricity offers true savings on your electric bill


You may be paying too much for your electricity You have the Power to Save! Click this image to learn more about signing up for Gulf Electricity with Wilcox Energy Whether you are still getting your electricity from CL&P or if you have already switched to another supplier, the fact is, you are probably more…

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