Say “NO” to proposed CT state tax on oil, propane, & kerosene

Wilcox Energy, president, David Foster, is headed to Hartford to fight for your rights!

Add your voice today and be heard!

We at Wilcox Energy are always fighting for the rights of our oilheat and propane customers.  We are at it again as we fight the latest proposed tax.

We sent the following email out to our customers today, alerting them to the fact that Governor Malloy is looking to tax oil, kerosene, and propane starting July 1, 2013:


To our valued customers,

We are asking for your help.  There is a hearing being held in Hartford tomorrow, March 19th, regarding a proposed tax on heating oil, propane, and kerosene.  This proposed tax will place a 1.5 cents/gallon charge on every gallon of oil, propane, and kerosene starting July 1, 2013 with an increase to 3.5 cents/gallon on July 1, 2015.

At no time has the state ever taxed these products and they should not start now. Consider these facts:

1. A tax on heating oil is regressive.  It affects disproportionately the working families and the poor.  It will directly impact the low income energy program, reducing the benefits to recipients. This tax would be equivalent to taxing groceries.

2. Special funds don’t work.  As an example, the state gasoline gross earnings tax was designed to fund pollution clean up.  That tank fund was eliminated and the tax remained.

3. This new tax is contrary to the governor’s no new taxes pledge.

4. The tax is unnecessary.  Through technology, heating oil equipment has already reduced fuel usage by 35% over the past 40 years through efficiency gains made by the industry.  This has been achieved without any government subsidy, incentive or tax.

Please take a moment and let your voice be heard.  Simply click on the link below and fill in your information.  It takes only a few minutes, and your message will be sent to both your state senator and state representative.


(H.B. 6650) that would tax home heating oil, kerosene and  propane.  The tax would start at 1.5 cents/gallon this July 1st and  increase to 3.5cpg cents/gallon on July 1, 2015.  If passed, the money  would be used for “weatherization” projects and the  electricity utility companies would have “veto” power on  any projects that the oil tax would be used to fund.


Please, click on the link above and follow the directions.  Your opinion matters, and it can make a difference.  If you have any questions about this bill, please feel free to email me:  [email protected].  I appreciate your time.  I will be at the hearing to voice my concerns.  Please share yours as well.




David Foster

President, Wilcox Energy

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