How To Find The Best HVAC Contractor For Your AC Maintenance And Repairs

image of air conditioner repair

When looking for central air repair, then finding a highly-skilled air conditioning technician is vital. Not only that but heating and cooling appliances need ongoing checkups and maintenance. Therefore, having a reputable HVAC contractor on hand is important. This article discusses what to look for when searching for an air conditioner repair company.

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Top 5 Reasons You Should Call an Oil Company for your AC Installation

air conditioner installation

An air conditioner installation is a major investment for your home. The company that installs it should be able to provide you with a system that is efficient and offers comfort for many years. This article discusses why working with an oil company, like Wilcox Energy, is the best choice you can make.  

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Fun Facts About Air Conditioning

image of a dad hosing off a girl for cooling

Air conditioning has become so ubiquitous in modern life that we fail to appreciate it. We simply expect it to work when we require it. The reality is that it took us a long time to develop this technology. This article shares some fun facts about air conditioning that any history buff would find interesting.

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How Do I Know If My Air Conditioner Has A Refrigerant Leak?

woman cooling herself with a fan

Air conditioner refrigerant leaks are very common, although not easy to spot. This is usually the main reason why your HVAC system is not working properly and affecting the comfort levels in your home. This article will cover the basics of air conditioner refrigerants, coolant leaks, and practical remedies for these issues.

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How Does My AC Remove The Humidity That Is In My House?

high humidity in home and indoor air quality

Having high humidity levels outside can be bad. However, things can be even worse when you experience the same inside your home. This article will help you assess what might be causing the problem. There are also a few tips on how to remove humidity and achieve optimum comfort levels for your home.

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